Re: [orca-list] Email with orca

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008, Georgina wrote:

Hi All

Well I'm in a position where I can return to Linux for my email needs.  I've


looked up how to move messages from Outlook to Evolution etc.  On looking at
the accessible applications page it would appear that Evolution would be the
better choice.  I wondered if Evolution was still the better option?  I also

Well, I'm not sure what format outlook does it mail in. If its the standard format used by (linux mail and thunderbird) it should be importable...

I know thunderbird can import outlook, and if its in the mbox or whatever format you could perhaps just put the mail in the right directory for your client.

About the client to choose.
I had a play with thunderbird and it was ok, but I think evilution is more accessible at the minute.
Personally I would try thunderbird, but up to you.
Its all open source, so just play with them both...

Personally I choose to use brltty and alpine for my email needs since I think that is more accessible, but considering gui apps... Perhaps thunderbird...

wondered whether there was a configuration guide for orca users?  I'd prefer
to have controls that I rarely use out of the way but accessible from a pull
down menu for example.  Or is the extensive orca scripting require the
default layout.  I'd like to configure Evolution to load and be immediately
focused upon messages in the in box.  Does this approach work well for

Well, just google for docs on how to do that with evilution and if it works with orca then great otherwise change the settings back...
I would think it should work.


What do you mean by "others"?

Daniel Dalton
<d dalton iinet net au>

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