Re: [orca-list] INSTALLING HARDY


Hermann  wrote:
am Mi 16. Apr 2008 um 12:26:10 schrieb Peter Vágner<peter v datagate sk>:
5) after the gnome session has automatically been restarted I did seps 3
and 4 again with the only difference I was runing orca as root by
prepending its command with sudo.

No. You change the user to root, and than you type:
orca --nosetup
(hope I've written it correctly, so to be sure check out orca -h)

6) did a restart of gnome session using ctrl+alt+backspace just to ensure.

You are back as user, and you must repeat the procedure above.

7) I am assuming in such a state I can run
sudo orca
and then
sudo ubiquity
and get speech.

No. You should first change to root:
sudo su
and then:
orca --nosetup

Okay I am going to try this route. but anyway I believe it has the same effect like I described. Orca and ubiquity have to run as root while the rest does not interest us.

sudo su
and runing orca never worked for me so It's why I was doing it this way. Additionally your way I need 2 terminal windows to be able to run orca as well as ubiquity. I can just type sudo orca in to the alt+f2 window and use the single terminal window for ubiquity. I'd like to have as less window open as possible in case I'll lost the speech during install or so.

Luke has stated this is not supposed to be working fine in this stage so the best option would anyway be to wait.

thanks for your hints


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