Re: [orca-list] Skype's not accessible, but...

"CG" == Christopher Gray <chris bayareadigital us> writes:
    CG> Hello: This is interesting and appreciated information. Using
    CG> Skype on Ubuntu is definitely part of my medium-term plan so
    CG> thank you for the help.

    CG> Is there an understanding of why Skype is so inaccessible on
    CG> Linux? Is this something that can be addressed in time with Orca
    CG> scripting?

    CG> My first guess is that the QT4 dependency could be a problem
    CG> because it seems to be related to KDE rather than Gnome?


if we want have Free Software Accessibility then is better use some Free
technology. For VOIP you can use SIP, IAX H323, but SIP is probably most
of used.

For SIP telephony you can install different programs such as Ekiga,
Twinkle or Asterisk. These applications are more or less accessible
under console or under gnome with Orca.

Have a nice day


Jan Buchal
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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