[orca-list] installing ubuntu with orca

Hi there.
I'm sorry of this has been covered ad nauseam, however I am a new user of orca and Ubuntu (and especially Linux in general), thus am asking this.
I followed the instructions found at
related to installing ubuntu in an accessible manner. granted, these instructions are for Ubuntu 6.10, and there may be newer ones. Let me know if there are.
I was able to go into gnome-terminal, do a sudo su to change to root, but, then went I did orca --no-setup & and pressed enter, (not forgetting to type ubiquity to initialize the dtk accessibility thing), orca loaded, but, wouldn't really talk. did I do something wrong, is there a better and/or more efficient way of doing it?
I did get it to half-way install, (of course I kind of forgot, and/or was confused about how I got it to talk me through the installation in the first place, so couldn't relay it to you to troubleshoot),however when I got to the part about partitioning the harddrive, it didn't talk, and I was  forced to abort. so, either way, I wouldn't have been able to complete the install.
On a related matter, is there something wrong with orca and the partitioning program, cause when I launched gnome partition editor, it wouldn't talk there either. maybe they're one in the same, which would make sense why they both wouldn't talk.
any help and/or suggestions as to how I can get this to better talk me through the installation, would be appreciated.
Thanks much.

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