Re: [orca-list] Who do I tell

Hi Wil:

I use Ubuntu and Orca, which came on my new Dell 1420 Laptop.

Neat! Did it come this way from Dell? If so, which version of Ubuntu did it come with?

For instance, now there is no way I know of to shut Orca off.
You wonder why I would want to!!
The answer is that in Thunderbird, when I try to send mail, a box asks
for THE My password, which is the one for the ISP.
If ORCA is off, it will work, and I can send mail, or receive mail.; and
I can check the box that says remember this password.
I am sighted; a blind person could never cope.
Now I can only cope by removing ORCA, signing on, remembering the
password being checked, and then reinstall Orca.

This sounds like it might be some bad integration between the thing asking for the password and the AT-SPI. Knowing more about your system will definitely help us narrow down the possible problems. Can you send the output of the following commands please?

orca --version
gnome-about --version
uname -a


(Orca project lead)

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