[orca-list] Performance in Firefox with latest trunk


I just have tried out the latest orca trunk with FF3.
I noticed, that there are currently performance issues: A cursor motion
(both up/down and left/right) now takes about 0.5 seconds on my systtem
(A laptop with a core2), eventhough I niced orca to -10. This makes
fluid reading of a webpage very difficult.
While the bug I filed earlier talked about pages with large forms, the
problem seems to be more general now.

Is this an orca problem or something distribution specific (I'm Running

I tried profiling orca with cProfile but could not make much sense of the

Quantum mechanics - The dreams stuff is made of.

Rudolf Weeber
Mïhlrain 9
70180 Stuttgart
Tel: 0711 62009381
Mobil: 0172 7136893

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