Re: [orca-list] orca trunk and nautilus problem

I am running at-spi from SVN (revision 964). As the slackware package
for at-spi was for a much earlier version (I think 1.18.1), I thought it
was worth just upgrading the whole thing.

Michael Whapples
On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 11:55 +0100, Halim Sahin wrote:
Hallo Michael,
Am Freitag, den 16.11.2007, 10:48 +0000 schrieb Michael Whapples:
I am running orca from SVN trunk and at-spi from trunk as well, but

are you using pyatspi and atspi from svn???
I have updated only the pyatspi and not atspi itself.


cannot create this. Most normal folders (with some files but not
anything which could be considered a very large amount) open at an
expectable rate (well under a second). As I don't regularly open folders
with a very large number of files regularly (at least not in gnome) I
tried opening my /usr/bin/ directory in nautilus, and while the contents
did not appear for a long time, orca was still responsive and could use
other apps (I could alt-tab away and navigate other windows). 

Noticeable differences are:
Although I am using at-spi from svn, I don't update it that regular,
could it be at-spi causing the issue (IE is it with the same revision of
at-spi that orca 2.20 works fine)?
I am using slackware not debian, may be there is a difference somewhere
and it might need another package reconfiguring.

Sorry this doesn't confirm the issue, but hopefully it might help you
find the cause.

Michael Whapples
On Fri, 2007-11-16 at 11:24 +0100, Halim Sahin wrote:
Hello @all,
On my machine is gnome-2.20 running under debian unstable with pyatspi
from svn and orca from svn trunk.
Opening a directory with nautilus is taking (((very))) long and
sometimes orca does not respond any more.
This problem does not exist with orca stable  2.20.
Can someone confirm this or is there a work arround?

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