[orca-list] espeak-generic.conf file for speech-dispatcher

--- Begin Message --- Yes it probably would explain the low volume, that is one of the things I noticed before I corrected it. It would also explain it as speech-dispatcher would only be able to get espeak to speak at about 10% of the maximum volume.

I have attached the espeak-generic.conf file, you will want to copy it to /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-generic.conf (unless you have configured a different modules directory for speech-dispatcher, but if you have, then you should know where you get speech-dispatcher to look). If you could post it to the wiki as I haven't bothered to get round to learning about WIKIs what with all the other things I am trying to get done at the moment.

Michael Whapples
----- Original Message ----- From: "krishnakant Mane" <researchbase gmail com>
To: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples aim com>
Cc: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] some more issues with orca and speech-dispatcher.

On 17/05/07, Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> wrote:
I found the espeak conversion values in the espeak-generic.conf file in
speech-dispatcher are wrong for the current version of espeak. I think the
multiples are wrong by a factor of 10.
is that the reason for low volume with sd?

You can work this out for yourself by
reading the comments in espeak-generic.conf and the espeak documentation or
I can send you a copy of my espeak-generic.conf file which I corrected.
Please do that.
I would also suggest you put this on the orca wiki so you wont need to
send this to every one.
this is now getting very interesting and since people like you are
contributing so much, I think orca will equal or perhaps surpass jaws
by the time gutsy is released this year (or at least till the spring
of next year?)
also let me know where should I copy the conf file, should it be in
/etc/ or some where else?

Attachment: espeak-generic.conf
Description: Binary data

--- End Message ---
From: "Michael Whapples" <mikster4 msn com>
To: "krishnakant Mane" <researchbase gmail com>
References: <f81479dd0705160023r7380880dj49f6d739c6e1796 mail gmail com><1179340871 5583 5 camel 
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Mikelaptop> <f81479dd0705170612m5e75e289h60f78f83f66318fc mail gmail com>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] some more issues with orca and speech-dispatcher.
Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:28:30 +0100
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Yes it probably would explain the low volume, that is one of the things I 
noticed before I corrected it. It would also explain it as speech-dispatcher 
would only be able to get espeak to speak at about 10% of the maximum 

I have attached the espeak-generic.conf file, you will want to copy it to 
/etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-generic.conf (unless you have 
configured a different modules directory for speech-dispatcher, but if you 
have, then you should know where you get speech-dispatcher to look). If you 
could post it to the wiki as I haven't bothered to get round to learning 
about WIKIs what with all the other things I am trying to get done at the 

Michael Whapples
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "krishnakant Mane" <researchbase gmail com>
To: "Michael Whapples" <mwhapples aim com>
Cc: <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] some more issues with orca and speech-dispatcher.

On 17/05/07, Michael Whapples <mwhapples aim com> wrote:
I found the espeak conversion values in the espeak-generic.conf file in
speech-dispatcher are wrong for the current version of espeak. I think 
multiples are wrong by a factor of 10.
is that the reason for low volume with sd?

You can work this out for yourself by
reading the comments in espeak-generic.conf and the espeak documentation 
I can send you a copy of my espeak-generic.conf file which I corrected.
Please do that.
I would also suggest you put this on the orca wiki so you wont need to
send this to every one.
this is now getting very interesting and since people like you are
contributing so much, I think orca will equal or perhaps surpass jaws
by the time gutsy is released this year (or at least till the spring
of next year?)
also let me know where should I copy the conf file, should it be in
/etc/ or some where else?

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

# Espeak output module is based on the generic plugin for Speech=0A# Dispatc=
her. It means there is no C code written explicitly for=0A# this plugin, all=
 the specifics are handled in this configuration=0A# and we call a simple co=
mmand line client to perform the actual=0A# synthesis. Use this config file=20=
with the sd_generic output module.=0A#=0A# IMPORTANT: The audio output metho=
d relies on ALSA Player (aplay)=0A# being installed. If this is not the case=
, consider installing it=0A# or replace the aplay command in the GenericExec=
uteString below=0A# with play or similar.=0A#=0A# GenericExecuteString to wh=
at's the name of this utility on your=0A# system (it might be "speak")=0A=
=0A# GenericExecuteSynth is the shell command that should be=0A# executed in=
 order to say some message. This command must=0A# stop saying the message on=
 SIGKILL, otherwise it's useless.=0A# You can use the variables $LANGUAGE, $=
VOICE, $PITCH and $RATE=0A# which will be substituted for the appropriate va=
lue (you=0A# can modify this value, see other parameters).=0A# The command c=
an be split into more lines, if necessary, using '\'.=0AGenericExecuteSynth=20=
\=0A"echo \"$DATA\" | speak -w /tmp/espeak.wav -v $VOICE -s $RATE -a $VOLUME=
 -p $PITCH --stdin && aplay /tmp/espeak.wav"=0A=0A# GenericStripPunctChars i=
s a list (enclosed in doublequotes) of=0A# all the characters that should be=
 replaced by whitespaces in=0A# order not to be badly handled by the output=20=
module or misinterpreted=0A# by shell.=0A=0A# GenericStripPunctChars  "~ #$%=
^&*+=3D|\\/<>[]_`"=0A=0A# AddVoice specifies which $VOICE string should be a=
ssigned to=0A# each language and symbolic voice name. All the voices you wan=
t=0A# to use must be specified here.=0A=0AAddVoice        "en"    "MALE1"=
=09=09"en"=0AAddVoice=09"en"    "MALE2"=09=09"en-rp"=0AAddVoice=09"en"    "M=
ALE3"=09=09"en-n"=0AAddVoice=09"en"    "FEMALE1"   =09"en+12"=0AAddVoice=09"=
en"    "FEMALE2"   =09"enrp+12"=0AAddVoice=09"en"    "FEMALE3"   =09"en-n+12=
"=0AAddVoice=09"en"    "CHILD_MALE"    "en-wm"=0AAddVoice=09"en"=09"CHILD_FE=
MALE" =09"en-fwm+12"=0A=0A=0A# If the language you need to pass in $LANG is=20=
different=0A# from the standard ISO language code, you can specify=0A# which=
 string to use instead. If you wish to use=0A# other than ISO charset for th=
e specified language,=0A# you can add it's name (as accepted by iconv) as a=
=0A# third parameter in doublequotes.=0A=0AGenericLanguage "en" "english"=
=0A=0A# These parameters set _rate_, _pitch_, and _volume_ conversion. This=20=
is=0A# part of the core of the definition of this generic output=0A# module=20=
for this concrete synthesizer, it's not intended to=0A# be modified by commo=
n users.=0A# The resulting rate (or pitch) has the form:=0A#       (speechd_=
rate * GenericRateMultiply) + GenericRateAdd=0A# while speechd_rate is a val=
ue between -100 (lowest) and +100 (highest)=0A# You have to define some mean=
ingful conversion for each synthesizer=0A=0A# Here's the mapping from SSIP (=
Speech Dispatcher) to ESpeak (v1.10):=0A#=0A#           SSIP Range  SSIP Def=
ault    ESpeak Range    ESpeak Default=0A#           ----------- -----------=
-    ------------    --------------=0A# Rate      -100 to 100     0        =20=
  80 to 320       160=0A# Pitch     -100 to 100     0            0 to 99   =20=
     50=0A# Volume    -100 to 100     0            0 to 20         10=0A#=
=0A# The SSIP defaults are actually controlled via DefaultRate, DefaultPitch=
, and=0A# DefaultVolume in the speechd.conf file.=0A=0AGenericRateAdd      =20=
   160=0AGenericPitchAdd         50=0AGenericVolumeAdd        100=0A=0A# (Th=
ese values are multiplied by 100, because DotConf currently=0A# doesn't supp=
ort floats. So you can write 0.85 as 85 and so on.)=0A=0AGenericRateMultiply=
     160=0AGenericPitchMultiply    50=0AGenericVolumeMultiply   100=0A=0A# I=
f the client program can't handle floats, you will have to=0A# use these two=
 options to force integers as the parameters=0A# 1 means force integers, 0 m=
eans do nothing (write floats).=0A=0AGenericRateForceInteger     1=0AGeneric=
PitchForceInteger    1=0AGenericVolumeForceInteger   1=0A=0A# Note that SSIP=
 rates < -50 are spoken at -50.=0A=0A# Debug turns debugging on or off=0A# S=
ee speechd.conf for information where debugging information is stored=0ADebu=
g 0=0A=3D

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