Re: [orca-list] Gnome-speech is silent after changing from SD back

to GS
In-Reply-To: <DB3CAB396D91314BA79EB38B40D10E0DB68767 ONCEMAIL1 once intranet local>

I found out what happened:
In order to avoid loosing sound after a sound event has been played, I 
changed the esd-settings from
to 0. This solves the problem I reported a few days ago: SD seems to go 
after a sound event file has been played. In fact the mixer was turned down 
and not SD.
But solving this problem, another came up: When a synth changes the sound 
output - let's say from Alsa to OSS - no sound can be heard. Using players 
like mplayer works because they use Alsa.
So using the whole sound stuff without disturbancies seems nearly 
I decided to stay with SD as system, because testing some reading functions 
with GS and espeak made me perceive the suttering more clearly than before. 
If you have heard a fluency speech for some days, you won't miss it 

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