Re: [orca-list] Easiest way to install orca on debian etch


The short answer is "no".  You can probably get it working, 
but you will need to build some packages from source or get others from testing or unstable.
If you get it working, be prepared for problems.  The Gnome that shipped with Etch was Gnome 2.14.  It has 
accessibility bugs that have been fixed in later versions of Gnome.
Trying to get Orca running on Etch was what made me try Ubuntu.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 10:18:19AM -0500, John Heim wrote:
Can I install orca on debian etch? I tried the build-deps command:

# apt-get build-deps gnome-orca

However, it has a lot of dependencies  for packages that are from testing 
and/or experimental. I have about 100 linux machines here that have to stay 
at etch/stable. I can probably install a few packages from other versions 
but I can't upgrade them to testing.

It would be nice to be able to run orca on them, though, so that I could 
support firefox and other gui apps.

John Heim
jheim math wisc edu / 608-263-4189
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