Re: [orca-list] navigation suggestion, list combo etc


On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, Jon wrote:

Hello there,

Was wondering if anyone else would also wish combo-boxes, treeviews
radio buttons etc, to announce the number of possible options?

for example:

IBM Viavoice GNOME Speech Driver
combo box

If it also informs of the number of items, that would save people from
pressing space to obtain the whole list.

IBM Viavoice GNOME Speech Driver
combo box 3 of 3

This is a contrived example, but I hope I am understood.

Most useful with treeviews, since it makes it easier for blind people to
'build' the tree in their heads whilest treversing the tree (or at least
thats what i do)

Thanks for your comments


I wouldn't find that useful.

Bertil Smark Nilsson

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