[orca-list] Need some help please

Hey, guys. I have two questions and was hoping that someone please will help me out.

Firstly, I need to know the steps in the latest version of Ubuntu that will be required of me to connect to my Wireless Lynksys WRT54GS Router.

I have a Dell Inspiron E1505. I did upgrade to the Intel Pro-set Wireless on board card. (Well, I guess you'd call it a card, LOL! ) Any who, if it would help you all to be able to help me, I don't normally give out this info, but I'll give it considerring hey, if it'll help me get up, then, great.

My Wireless is incripted, but I don't think that'll matter. If you need to find exactly the driver that Ubuntu would need to use for my on-board wireless, which I doubt you will, but just in case,

then go to


Click on drivers and downloads

Then click on enter a service tag

My tag is:


Again, I doubt that info will be needed by any of you all, but just in case yall will have it. and, yall feel free to keep that on file, if you'd like so down the road if any yall help me personally off list, if it's needed you all will already have it.

Anyway, My second question is:

Im drawing a mental blankage for some reason, I can't recall if it's F6, or F7 I hit when in Evolution in order to get it where I can read with Orca just by up and down arrowing. I considerred trying Thunderbird but some have told me it kind a works with Orca but is a little tricky.

Anyway, thanks.  look forward to hearing back from you all.


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