Re: [orca-list] gnome-mag cursor focus position

Hi Aurelian:

(Moving this to orca-list gnome org)

The algorithm in Orca right now goes on a 'move the magnifier window the
least' rule, meaning that it tries not to move the zoomer view if the
thing is already in the window.  As a result, Orca currently doesn't
support the behavior you are looking for.  :-(  We could always add it
as an RFE (request for enhancement) if you'd like, though. 

Can you describe more about what you expect the behavior to be?  For
example, you've mentioned keeping the text cursor/caret centered.  What
should the behavior be when navigating widgets, such as menus, buttons,
checkboxes, sliders, etc?


On Tue, 2007-07-10 at 23:48 +0300, Aurelian Radu wrote:
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your answer.
I was referring to the cursor in applications where you enter text.
The mouse pointer is indeed centered when using the magnifier alone or
through orca. But I need to use orca if I want gnome-mag to follow
text editing or keyboard focus. The cursor is not centered, the
magnifier follows it only when it reaches the end of the magnification
I know my "description" isn't very clear, but try to write something
in oowriter or gedit while using gnome-mag through orca and you'll see
what I mean.
Thanks again,

On 7/10/07, Peter Korn <Peter Korn sun com> wrote: 
        Hi Aurelian,
        If you are running gnome-mag directly (e.g. 'magnifier'), and
        have it
        tracking the mouse directly ( e.g. 'magnifier -m'), then the
        pointer will be in the center of the screen automatically by
        If you are running gnome-mag via a screen reader like Orca or
        Gnopernicus, then you need to set the appropriate setting in
        your screen 
        reader (e.g. "Mouse tracking mode" to "Centered").
        Peter Korn
        Accessibility Architect,
        Sun Microsystems, Inc.
        > Hello,
        > Is there any setting I can change to make gnome-mag keep
        cursor focus 
        > in the middle of the magnification window, like it does with
        > pointer focus, not at the right margin? To be more clear, I
        want to
        > see the characters I'm typing in the middle of the
        > window, like it used to be in previous versions of orca
        > gnome-mag. From what I understand, this is an orca setting,
        but I
        > can't find it anywhere.
        > Thank you,
        > Aurelian 
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