Re: Orca Access bridge for Java undr Linux?

On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 15:58 +0100, hermann wrote:
in order to fix some problems with the latest Firevox, I've to install
the Free-TTS speech, which needs the Java runtime environment.
I installed JRE, but can't acces the installer for Free-TTS. A dialog
opens, and Orca reports "inaccessible". It's not possible to run the
installer in text mode.

A while ago I was working on streamlining the Fire Vox installation
process on Ubuntu. I ran into other problems, but this one I did solve.
You can feed the Free-TTS installer XML configuration information at run
time, which tells it to use the English language pack (this is the only
one it has anyway). This makes the installer run in automated text mode.
Here's instructions:

1. Download the Free-TTS installer:
wget -nc

2. Download an XML configuration file from me:
wget -nc

3. Run the installer with the configuration file:
sudo java -jar clc4tts_freetts_installer_1.2.jar

If the installation succeeded, you should now be able to find an
uninstaller at:

"/usr/local/CLC-4-TTS Interface to FreeTTS for

Do let me know if you experience any problems with this.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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