Re: Orca Firefox 3 and inline html editors

On Tue, 2007-02-13 at 15:07 +0100, hermann wrote:
But never the less: To answer your comments on virtual buffers, I
like to know how you want to make FF for Linux as accessible as it is
under Windows with MSAA and the virtual buffer?
But do we really need it to be? I mean already at this stage, i think
most of the aspects of web pages in Firefox 3 are pretty darn
accessible, and the only thing that really is needed from the screen
reader perspective is a good way to navigate between frames. Surely the
other things would possibly be good to have but i'm afraid that if we
tie up Orca to one program by heavily scripting it for a special
application we lose people who want to choose. I don't know if this is
really a danger in Linux where we have the accessibility framework of
Gnome itself, but i say it anyway and maybe my words could serve as food
for thought at least.:)

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