Re: [orca-list] Orca install

OK, i answer to the list too, although it may be a little bit OT:
GRML uses speechd-up 0.1, and there's no -t option. Updating apt-get and 
aptitude results in no newer version. However I remember, that in Ubuntu 
Feisty, where Speakup was implemented, that umlaut problem does not 
GRML is Debian based, but in order to build Orca from the source, you 
need a lot of packages, not provided over the GRML repository. So you 
have to extend your sources.list file or collect the packages manually. 
In the end I succeeded in finding all packages, but couldn't get the 
x-session to start. I don't know very much about GRML's GUI, they don't 
use Gnome, but some Xwindow systems such as  Fluxbox, and I've no idea 
What's this all about. I use GRML in text mode only.

I use grml (

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