[orca-list] success with brltty on open solaris


That was the first command i have tried.

The display is comming up but stays on the message No Screen.

With my vergion of the command i can activate the display through a reload of the preferences of Orca.

What i am now searching for is the level of startup i have to use to activate Brltty automaticly after a restart of the system.

With Ubuntu sometimes it happen that Brltty is loaded twice.

With Open Solaris it would be nice to have Brltty already started.

Just some thoughts.

Think about me when i have the demo tomorrow.

It could be that i find an other job with that action, so thanks all for the great assistance.
I hope Sun Microsystems in the Netherlands will take me away from my current 
work at the railway-firm i am now working for as a procesmanager.

ICT rules above ITIL, is my humble opinion.



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