[orca-list] orca and speech-dispatcher

I tried installing speech-dispatcher a couple of times and found I had
to re-install Gutsy because Orca and Espeak stopped working
I made sure my system was up to date, typed sudo apt-get install
speech-dispatcher on one occassion and typed sudo apt-get install
python-speechd and it seemed to get everything I wanted even when I
only got the python-speechd but I kept getting error messages on both
times with something about trigger differred or something like that at
the end when my system tried to start speech-dispatcher which I think
is the reason why Orca stopped altogether when I did a reboot.
How do I resolve this problem?
Would i have to update atspi and orca from the versions I have in Gutsy?
At the moment I have the current versions which come with Ubuntu by default.
Also I am thinking of updating Orca to a more current version but not
use the Bleeding Edge.
Can I just download the source file which I have already obtained,
extract it and build it with make install or is it not as straight
forward as that?

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