Re: [orca-list] Realplayer and Firefox

Hi Guy and all,
Here is what I did.
First I went to:
When I tried clicking on the Red hat package link or the other download link i only got a blank webpage.
However, I then tried the nightly builds link and it worked.
Here is the direct link:
I picked the first package, the linux-2 2-libc6-gcc32-i586 rhel4
Here is the direct link to that as well:
 2-libc6-gcc32-i586 rhel4/realplay-
You then have to accept the license agreement on that webpage and start the download.
Don't forget to make that .bin-file executable
chmod 755 and-the-name-of-the-file.bin
I installed it as root from a terminal by simply running the file like:
I could then login to Gnome and click on realplayer and set it up with Orca.
One thing to note.
I had to change in the preferences of hte player the audio output to alsa it was placed on the oss output.
In the combo box where you select the output you have to press ctrl-tab to get out of it. You'll find that 
under the hardware tab.
Please let me know if it worked or if you need any further info!
All the best,

On 2007-12-04 at 13:21 Guy Schlosser wrote:

Hey there Christian, I wouldn't mind hearing, how did you get real
player set up?  Did you have to install alien or something?  The only
real player packages I can find on the net are .rpm.  If you can give
me a little clue how you got that working, that would be awesome.



At 11:59 AM 12/4/2007, Christian wrote:
Hi all,
For those who are interested, I managed to install Realplayer and
its working fine with Firefox. The setup screen is accessible. So
now I can listen to my favourite radio stations in Linux as well!
All the best,

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