[orca-list] Using speech-dispatcher with other screen readers.

Hi all,
I don't know how many other people are doing this already, but I
couldn't find anything on google, so i thought I'd poast anyways:

I had a problem when I first installed Ubuntu, where Orca's speech was a
lot quieter than that in the console (speakup / speech-dispatcher /
speechd-up) when using espeak, so I've recently found a work around.

Edit the /etc/speech-dispatcher/modules/espeak-generic.conf
(/etc/speech-dispatcher is what it is on my system, on some it may vary,
possibly to /usr/local/etc/speech-dispatcher).

Find the line on which the GenericExecuteSynth is defined, and remove:

That way, I found I could have music playing in rhythmbox, and leave it
at the same volume, weather I was in the console, or the GUI.

HTH somebody!

Take care,


Chris Norman.

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