[orca-list] update on the recent FF3 list woes/hang

Hey folks.

It seems that the aforementioned "innocent" fix I had made to cause push buttons in Firefox to be arrow-to-able exposed a Mozilla bug. Effective the 4th August build, (un)ordered lists are claiming to have a characterCount of 0 characters. If you get suspicious and ask for the text anyway, the first character is missing. The former is at the root of the Orca hang reported by Javier. The latter is the cause of the behavior reported by Jan this morning. Thanks to both of you!


1. I just checked in a defensive patch both to svn trunk and the gnome-2-20 branch which should detect the bogus characterCount for lists and prevent Orca from hanging when you encounter a list. If you were having the list hanging problem, please grab the latest Orca, re-test, and let us know. Thanks *very* much in advance!

2. If you would like to have your lists spoken in their entirety, I'd recommend getting the Firefox trunk build from 3rd August (2007080308).

3. If you would like to track the progress of the Mozilla list bug, it can be found at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=393899. Our tracking bug is http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=470853.

Take care.

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