[orca-list] Audio guide to installing the firefox web browser and the Orca screen reader.

Hello all,


This is my last guide for a while as I’m going to have to source some better leads for my mixer as I’m not happy with the sound it’s producing at the moment.  It’s all very low.  I think I need to get my hands on a few new cannons.


Anyway, I spent a short while recording tonight while going through the installation of firefox and Orca. 


Again, this won’t be anything new for most of you but it may come in useful for anyone searching through the archives.


I also go through dding the new installation of firefox to the internet applications menu.  I think this is something that should be covered on the Orca website. 


I am enjoying using Ubuntu.  I didn’t think I’d like it so much but I’m almost. Now, I did say *almost* thinking of changing from Fedora. 


I’m so use to the way Fedora does things though that I’m still really getting use to the layout of the file system in Ubuntu and the apt-get / aptitude way of doing things.


Ok.  Here is the download address: 



As always,  I really elcome feeback and suggestions.  I’ve been very impressed with the direction and suggestions people have sent me on and off list over the last few days.




If there are any other topics that you would like to see covered please let me know as after Saturday I should have the resources to do a bit more. 


I’m also planning to do a few recordings with the SuSE blinux screen reader: SBL and of course the speakup screen reader as I think their equally important in their own rights. 




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