[orca-list] compiling Gnome-Speech in SuSE 10.2.

Hello all,


My return to SuSE is underway. 


I need to change a few things in the standard install. Mainly, because it seems that a lot of the packages in Gnome are out of date.  For example, when I enabled accessibility support, the entire system got quite sluggish.  I remember this happening the last time I installed SuSE as well so I’m just trying to work on getting a few packages updated.


First is Gnome speech.  I’m trying to install 0.4.9 but it’s looking for orbit-2.0.  I’ve looked around for that but haven’t found anything!


Has anyone else installed and worked with SuSE before?  Could you suggest the arguements I ened to pass to ./configure to get gnome-speech to install?


I also want to update gnome-panel and a few other applications so your help would be greatly appreciated with that as well.






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