Re: [orca-list] WXGTK (was Re: orca and smmx)

Nolan Darilek wrote:
It's likely the program is using wxgtk.  It is a widget set with  
controls that look
like MS Windows.  Any app that uses wxgtk isn't accessible.

Really? Can anyone else confirm this?

No, it is not correct.

I'm writing an application that uses WXRuby (which, in turn, uses  
WXGTK.) Thus far, I've found it to be highly accessible. But am I  
likely to run into any accessibility issues further down?

I saw reports of some problems.  As far as I understand it, some wx
widgets, which have a custom implementation under wxGTK, may not
implement accessibility support correctly.  You should be safe if you
choose carefully which widgets you use.  And if you discover problems
with certain widgets, you may do a good job if you report them...

My understanding of WX is that it doesn't look like windows, but rather  
looks native to whatever platform you're on. 

Yes, that's correct.

BTW, I think the app in question is XMMS, and when last I checked it  
used GTK 1.2.

Yes, and that is the reason why it is not accessible.

Best regards, Tomas

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