Re: [orca-list] form field structural navigation

Hi Krishnakant.

can any one please tell me how to do svn update?

I do:

cd ~/orca
svn update

since last two days I have not bean able to run svn update from my
orca source folder.

Hmmmm.... What happens when you try?  Do you get an error message?

my code was checked out from
is that path right?

Yes.  How did you check it out?  Did you type:

svn co orca

?  If not, what did you type to check it out?

is there a source code tar archive that I can download for the latest
fixes and the features checked in since the last 2 days?

From Will's announcement of the 2.19.1 release:

        * Where can I get it?
        You can obtain Orca v2.19.1 in source code form at the

However, this will not include the new form field structural navigation
as it was checked in within the last half hour.  So we need to get to
the bottom of why you cannot use subversion to update.


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