Re: [orca-list] alt-tab popups are not spoken as they pop up


I'm talking about the way alt-tab behaves when using it to switch between windows.  At one time, Orca would 
read the title every time you pressed alt-tab.  This meant a lot of speech every time you switched windows.  
Most of it was just repeated title information.  You could hear the title twice when you just wanted to 
switch to the last window that had focus.

By default, a single press of alt-tab will return you to the last window that had focus.  Pressing alt-tab 
twice will return you to the window before the last one with focus.  If you continue pressing alt-tab, Orca 
will start reading the window titles.
Open at least 4 windows with different titles to see the behavior I'm trying to explain.
I run Gnome on a 1.4 gig machine with 1 gig of ram.  Since you have less memory, you might be seeing 
different behavior due to swapping.

Like I said in my first post, I like the current behavior of alt-tab and Orca since I spend all day running 
Gnome.  Even though I still use console apps for things like reading mail, I do everything in Gnome since it 
lets me share data between all apps running on the system regardless of whether they are GUI or console.

Hope this explanation is clear.

On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 11:00:29AM +0200, hermann wrote:
Kenny, Which "feature" are you talking about?
When I press Alt+Tab once, I hear the next open app. However: Changing
to this app needs to be held the alt key for a moment.
I run Ubuntu on a 1 Ghz machine with only 240 MB available RAM.

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