Re: Orca sbackup not accessable with orca

Al Puzzuoli wrote:
Hello Michael,

A couple thoughts:

I haven't tried simple backup yet myself, but based on the behavior you're describing, it sounds to me like you're running into the dreaded sudo at-spi accessibility issue.

It might first of all be the password dialog grabbing the screen.

The gconf key /apps/gksu/disable-grab needs to be set. What's the simplest way of explaining that? I guess run 'gconf-editor' rom Alt-F2 and then search for 'gksudo'. Not sure how accessible that whole editor is.

So in that light, please don't ever feel like you're treading on anyone's toes. [...] but any help you are able to offer with ongoing projects would I'm sure, be very much appreciated.

Absolutely! It might even take some time to learn how the tools and communities work, but if you have some patience I'm sure you'll see ways you can contribute as you go along. Certainly answering questions on these lists or in forums [1] is a big help (as you gain experience yourself).



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