Re: Orca possible problem with latest edgy updates

Hi Joannie, I'm now seeing the exact problem you are on two different machines. I have not yet found any way to get orca running again but I'm still fighting with it. Mike
Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hi all.  I just updated both of my Edgy machines and had some rather
unfortunate results with respect to Orca.  Since I have not yet figured
out what is going on, I figured I'd post it here.

The post-update symptoms:
1.  When I run Orca from the Applications menu, nothing seems to occur.

2.  When I run Orca from a terminal window I get the following error:

Cannot start Orca because it cannot connect to the Desktop. Please make sure the DISPLAY environment variable has been set.

3.  When I check to see if the DISPLAY environment variable has been
set, it *seems* to be:

    jd pokey:~$ echo $DISPLAY

4.  I tried deleting my (and later on my entire ~/.orca
directory).  Then when I run Orca from the terminal, I go through the
normal setup routine (which is spoken as expected).  However, after I
log off and back on and launch Orca, I'm back to the above problem.

5.  I tried completely removing the Orca package (including ~/.orca) and
reinstalling it. No difference.
6. I (re)built from CVS.  No difference.

Somehow, I managed to get Orca working again on my primary desktop.  I'm
afraid I don't know what did the trick, however.  Sorry! You see, I
initially thought the problem was related to that computer's setup
(tri-head using Xinerama) and therefore messed around in an admittedly
unsystematic fashion with xorg.conf and anything else I thought might be
My secondary desktop is pretty straightforward (one monitor, original
xorg.conf, and mostly devoid of "development" versions of software).
It's on this system that I have not yet figured out how to get Orca
running again.  I figured that if I'm having this problem on my "normal"
system as a result of the latest edgy updates, there's a healthy chance
that I wouldn't be the only one, hence the note.

Finally:  After having the problem with my primary desktop, I figured
I'd should pay attention to what was being updated.  Here's the list
from the secondary desktop:

eog evolution evolution-dbg evolution-exchange evolution-plugins gnome-about gnome-desktop-data libgnome-desktop-2 libgnome-desktop-dev libmetacity0 libmono-cairo1.0-cil libmono-corlib1.0-cil libmono-data-tds1.0-cil libmono-security1.0-cil libmono-sharpzip0.84-cil libmono-sqlite1.0-cil libmono-system-data1.0-cil libmono-system-web1.0-cil libmono-system1.0-cil libmono0 libmono1.0-cil libwnck-common libwnck18 mcpp metacity metacity-common mono-common mono-gac mono-jit mono-runtime python-glade2 python-gobject python-gobject-dev python-gtk2 python-gtk2-dev system-tools-backends ubuntu-standard xrdb yelp

Take care.

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