Re: Orca creating new account in edgy

Hi bart,

  Thanks, I didn't even know that. now I know. thanks a lot...

On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 15:30 +1000, bart bunting net au wrote:

Check that the user has been added to the audio group if they haven't
sound won't work.  I'm not sure if this is done automagicaly for you
when a new user is created or not.

use the groups command to see which groups you belong to and then the
adduser command to add you to a group.

adduser <user> <group>
adduser bart audio



Cody Hurst writes:
 > Hi all,
 >   I tried to make a new user in edgy and when I logged in as the new
 > user I got no sound, though my usual account works fine with sound. I
 > couldn't get orca to come up in text setup mode. Is there something I
 > can do? I tried opening alsamixer in the terminal but no luck. I don't
 > even get sound when I log in or out. Anyone have an idea?
 > Cody
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