Orca creating new account in edgy


Check that the user has been added to the audio group if they haven't
sound won't work.  I'm not sure if this is done automagicaly for you
when a new user is created or not.

use the groups command to see which groups you belong to and then the
adduser command to add you to a group.

adduser <user> <group>
adduser bart audio



Cody Hurst writes:
Hi all,
  I tried to make a new user in edgy and when I logged in as the new
user I got no sound, though my usual account works fine with sound. I
couldn't get orca to come up in text setup mode. Is there something I
can do? I tried opening alsamixer in the terminal but no luck. I don't
even get sound when I log in or out. Anyone have an idea?


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