Re: Orca Speech not interupting as expected

On Tuesday 03 October 2006 10:17, Jason Fayre wrote:
I am also seeing this on a ubuntu edgy install.  It seems that this
happens if I log on as a non-root user.

bart bunting net au wrote:
On one machine (the ubuntu one) the speech does not interupt as I
would expect.  For example if I arrow around on the desktop orca reads
every icon in sequence that i move over without any interupts to
speech even if i arrow quickly.
registryd uses XEvIE I believe?  If so, make sure you have enabled XEvIE in 

Section "Extensions"
        Option "XEVIE" "Enable"

Even tho XEvIE loads by default, it is not enabled unless you have this.  To 
confirm, check the Xorg log for

(**) Extension "XEVIE" is enabled

Gary Cramblitt (aka PhantomsDad)

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