Re: orca-setup, AttributeError

Aha!  Thanks.

I've noticed some very bad things with the gnome-speech interaction with the festival server on some Linux distributions. It looks like the pipe/socket between the two ends up going a little haywire, causing a bunch of notification to be done for nothing. The result is usually that the CPU throttles to 98% and you need to kill the festival server. But...this may or may not be the thing you were running into.

While this problem is indeed important (any bug is usually at the top of least one person's list), I unfortunately have to prioritize things and I'm putting this one below work on OOo, Firefox, Java, etc. Related to the gnome-speech/festival issue, however, is that Orca should be able to recover from these kinds of things gracefully because things can and will fail. We should definitely get that kind of stuff resolved before v1.0.



On Mar 30, 2006, at 10:52 AM, Jan Buchal wrote:

"WW" == Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM> writes:

    WW> Darn. This still may be a 64-bit anomaly. Do you have a 32-bit
WW> machine you might be able to try this on? I don't have a 64- bit
    WW> Linux distribution to do any development on, so I'm hoping
    WW> someone from the community might be able to help out with this
    WW> problem.

the problem is "solved". I compiled gnome-speech without festival and
now works OK!.


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
Mob: (00420) 608023021

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