Orca v2.17.4 Dependencies Question

I've noted that the Red Hat build of Orca-2.17-4 requires Python-2.5.
I'm wondering whether this is just Red Hat using its current development
cycle to transition to the newer Python libraries, or whether there's
actually some 2.5 dependency in Orca (or Gnome-2.17) itself?

If not Orca or Gnome, then I'll attempt to build rpms against Python-2.4
and publish them on our SpeakupModified.Org yum repositories. 

I suspect we'll all be transitioning to Python-2.5 eventually, but now
may not be the propitious time just to work with the latest and greatest
in Linux gui screen readers. Or, perhaps it is--because we are in a dev
cycle, after all.

All guidance on this, today and in the future, will be much appreciated.


Janina Sajka                            Phone: +1.202.595.7777
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

Marketing the Owasys 22C talking screenless cell phone in the U.S. and Canada--Go to 
http://ScreenlessPhone.Com to learn more.

Chair, Accessibility Workgroup          Free Standards Group (FSG)
janina freestandards org                http://a11y.org

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