Re: Orca 0.2.3

Tomas Cerha writes:
Janina Sajka napsal(a):
This will only be useful if if gui accessibility is still working. If
the gui is broken so that orca isn't working for the use, no gui tool is
going to help the user get it back.


I believe the design of the Configuration infrastructure can be
independent of the actual GUI.  For example the solution proposed by
Brailcom would allow to create a simple console-based or browser-based
configuration frontend.  In addition, the user still has the option of
editing the configuration file, doesn't he?

Yes, absolutely. My central point is that configuration is most useful
if it can be performed apart from the environment being configured. I
like the browser suggestion very much for just this reason.

So, my complaint with Willie's original point focused on three words
only, "gui configuration tool." The problem is simple, if the gui isn't
working for the user, no gui tool will help fix it. We need a tool
outside the gui environment.

PS: This is also an opportunity for our f/oss environment to provide
greater accessibility than people have come to expect on platforms like
Windows and Macintosh. I believe those two environments rely on "gui
configuration tools," so I am not surprised people would talk about
wanting "gui configuration tools." But, it's the wrong approach.


Best regards, Tomas.

Brailcom, o.p.s.
Free(b)soft project
Eurochance project
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gnome-accessibility-list gnome org


Janina Sajka                            Phone: +1.240.715.1272
Partner, Capital Accessibility LLC      http://CapitalAccessibility.Com

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