Re: Navigating GAIM (was Re: tarting orca)

hi mike,

yeah thats true, I have forgotten that laptops can be a royal pain in the toosh. I haven't come up with any other workable key commands but when I do I will surely bring them to you.

I also wasn't refering the windows logo key to be universal to everybody, but just for my perpose. Since I only have 1 main menu, I jsut want to press one key to get to it and for my perposes only I wanted the logo key to do that trick and just didn't know if there was a way to assign that key some how.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Pedersen" <Michael Pedersen Sun COM>
To: "'Orca screen reader developers'" <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 10:54 AM
Subject: RE: Navigating GAIM (was Re: tarting orca)

Hi Cody,
  Well, I think I saw Will here say the insert key was going
to be the orca main function key...,
This is true. I was only thinking of the windows key as a secondary key for
laptop users.
but if you wanted, we
could split the difference probably and have say the left
windows logo key work with orca aqnd the right logo key
perform some other action, say with orca.
If you wanted the windows key to do a desktop function such as open the
application launch menu this would have to be taken up with the greater
gnome community as it is outside the scope of orca.

  if you wanted a nice short and sweet 2 the point summary, here it

insert+O - brings up main orca window, reserved for later use

insert+page up - increase speech rate

insert+page down - slow speech rate

insert+home - make speech higher

insert+end - decrease speech pitch
We currently have insert+left/right decrease and increase rate.  I was
thinking of insert+up/down as raise and lower pitch.  I don't like the use
of page up and down or home and end because they can be a problem for laptop

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