Re: orca-setup, AttributeError

"WW" == Willie Walker <William Walker Sun COM> writes:

    WW> Things are definitely looking better wrt Festival - I can get it
    WW> working well on my Ubuntu Dapper Drake system w/o needing to
    WW> modify anything in gnome-speech. I love those problems that seem
    WW> to disappear if you ignore them long enough ;-).
that's fine.

    WW> BTW, I spent some time getting Orca going with Ubuntu Dapper
    WW> Drake Flight 6 on my Toshiba Tecra M2 laptop over the weekend.
    WW> My loose notes are here:


    WW> The good news is that Festival works fine with it and I'm not
    WW> seeing the same hangs and behavior that I was seeing before with
    WW> the pipe/ socket to the Festival server.

    WW> I'm also working on similar notes for Open Solaris (using
    WW> FreeTTS as the synthesis driver). Do you have notes you took to
    WW> get Orca going on your system? If so, it would be great to get
    WW> them on the Orca WIKI to help others running down the same path
    WW> as you.

Yes, I would like write something but my English is realy not very well.
:-) The other problem is with gnome accessibility now. Until will be not
solved this
problem I can not use orca. I posted my question with description to
gnome-accessibility list.

have you nice day


Jan Buchal
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