Re: orca-setup, AttributeError

Hi Jan:

I don't think the problem is whether festival itself works or not, it's the interaction between festival and gnome-speech, and also perhaps with gnome-speech on a 64-bit distribution. I've not had time to look into a fix for either of these problems. :-(


    WW> Aha! Thanks. I've noticed some very bad things with the
WW> gnome-speech interaction with the festival server on some Linux
    WW> distributions. It looks like the pipe/socket between the two
WW> ends up going a little haywire, causing a bunch of notification
    WW> to be done for nothing. The result is usually that the CPU
    WW> throttles to 98% and you need to kill the festival server.
    WW> But...this may or may not be the thing you were running into.

    WW> While this problem is indeed important (any bug is usually at
    WW> the top of least one person's list), I unfortunately have to
    WW> prioritize things and I'm putting this one below work on OOo,
WW> Firefox, Java, etc. Related to the gnome-speech/festival issue, WW> however, is that Orca should be able to recover from these kinds WW> of things gracefully because things can and will fail. We should
    WW> definitely get that kind of stuff resolved before v1.0.

With latest version of debian package of Festival for amd64 works on my
machine OK already. (festival 1.4.3-17.1)


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
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