re: ORBit 0.5.8 Cross-Compile problems...

When I cross compiled ORBit1 (now ORBit2) to LynxOS/PowerPC it was very
usefull to see how the PPC side configured things.  I did have the thought
that it would be very usefull to have the configure tools recognize that
you are doing a cross compile say to PPC and have it set up default "sizes"
etc based on known PPC settings.   But, I haven't had time to work on doing
anything like that.  Right now the "-target" definitions don't seem to do a
very good job setting things up.

i.e.   configure  --target=ppc-*-*
                                              ^^^^^^--- Standard triplet
machine definition.

Anyone else have some thoughts on how to make the cross-compile less


Michael Meeks <> on 04/01/2002 09:21:43 AM

cc:    David Haverkamp <>,, orbit <>, Dimi Shahbaz

Subject:    re: ORBit 0.5.8 Cross-Compile problems...

Hi Dan,

On Sat, 2002-03-30 at 23:02, Dan Kegel wrote:
> I'm just now trying to cross-compile orbit for Linux on the
> ppc405, ppc750, and sh4 processors.  On the x86, Orbit has the
> smallest footprint of any mainstream (i.e. not tcl :-) orb we've
> seen, and I have high hopes for it.

      Interesting indeed.

> We're using glib 2 rather than the glib 1.x normally used by Orbit.
> Glib 2 uses the latest autoconf, which has lots more support for
> and supposedly it's easy to relink a glib 1 application against glib 2.
> (I hope glib 2 doesn't add too much bloat; I may end up doing a little
> surgery to disable parts of it.)

      I hope you're using ORBit2 ? it's more robust than ORBit 'stable' and
it's under active development / maintainence, whereas ORBit1 is in deep
hard freeze mode for Gnome 1.4. ORBit2 is also more modular,
comprehensible, powerful, capable, tested etc. ;-)



--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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