Re: ORBit on VMS

Hi Marc,

> I've been trying to get ORBit (0.5.3) to work on a VMS platform for a
> customer. It took me quite a bit of time (I also had to change libidl,
> popt, indent ...) and the port still needs some polishing but it works.
> I did the port using a C++ compiler (yes, I know C is better, etc. but I
> only have access to this C++ compiler). Besides all the necessary casts
> to keep the compiler happy, most of it was straightforward (any
> peculiarities of the VMS platform taken aside). Thanks for the good
> coding of ORBit so far.

As I already told you for GLib, a C++ compiler is not the proper compiler for
C-programs. Try to use the main platform C compiler or better yet a recent
version of gcc.

> In the spirit of open source, I would like to contribute the code I
> modified/added. My question now is : how should I go about ? Looking at
> the CVS server at gnome I noticed that :
> - I don't know the versions of the files that were int the 0.5.3 tarball
> - some files have changed since 0.5.3,
> - a new ORBit version has been born

Elliot is just rearraging/rewriting large parts of ORBit, so it doesn't make
much sense to include your changes into ORBit yet.

So you should wait for ORBit2 to be ready and use a C-compiler to port it to
OpenVMS. Then we can talk about integrating your patches.

Sebastian Wilhelmi                   |            här ovanför alla molnen
mailto:wilhelmi ira uka de           |     är himmlen så förunderligt blå   |

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