Re: Error executing online-desktop

On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 07:19 +0100, Antonio Alvarez wrote:
> On jue, 2008-03-27 at 18:28 -0400, Owen Taylor wrote: 
> > On Thu, 2008-03-27 at 07:57 +0100, aalvarez igalia com wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > After compile online-desktop with success i try to start a new session
> > > with it, but an error appeared. Here is the .xsession-errors file:
> > 
> > What error appeared? What was the behavior you observed?
> When I  try to log on with the online-desktop session appeared the
> typical error message:  "Your session has lasted less than 10 seconds"
> and "view the .xsessions-errors file".

OK. I spent of couple of hours today with my own broken login and
finally figured out what is going on:

 - Someone switched online-desktop.modules to use the development
   GNOME-2.24 moduleset

 - The development GNOME-2.24 moduleset is using a new, and not
   yet working version of gnome-session.

This produced all sorts of issues.

I've switched our moduleset back to use the GNOME-2.22 modules for now,
so minimum fix is:

 cd ~/od/jhbuild
 svn up
 rm -rf ~/od/gnome-session
 jhbuild buildone gnome-session

Sorry for not having the answer earlier.

- Owen

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