Re: Compiling Online Desktop

On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 09:34 +0200, Manuel Rego Casasnovas wrote:
> Hello,
> On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 15:46 -0400, Colin Walters wrote:
> > Cool; if you haven't yet it would be nice if you could update the
> > JHbuild wiki with whatever problems you remember hitting and their
> > solutions.
> I've added some information to
> However I don't know if I can add more information about how to compile
> Online Desktop, compiling only a few modules. Maybe I can add this
> information in any place (or a new page) below
> But I don't know if it's possible compile only these few modules on
> another distribution different of Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and I don't know
> if I should add this concrete information to Online Desktop wiki and
> where add it.

In general, I don't think building just a few packages is something
that we recommend, though certainly it can be a lot faster and easier.

 - The success depends on the Jhbuild moduleset closely matching
   what's on the system. Which should work right now with GNOME-2.22
   based distros like Hardy, or with Fedora 9 betas, but not with most
   other distros.

 - It's hard/impossible to get the system installed libraries to 
   find the jhbuild stuff at times. For example, I suspect that your
   bigboard panel applet isn't working because Bonobo-activation
   can't find it.

So, maybe it doesn't belong on the wiki, though I'm glad you got it

- Owen

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