Re: gnome-music build

Sandeep, thanks for your reply.  Please always reply to the entire list so that other people can help too.

The introductory page about JHBuild ( says this:

    It is strongly recommended to use either Fedora 25 or Ubuntu 17.04. You will run into build errors using older distributions, like Ubuntu 16.04 or Debian stable.

So I think you should upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04 and try again.  If you do that and are still having trouble, please email this list again and we'll be happy to help.  cheers -


On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 9:53 AM, sandeep chauhan <sandeepsajan0 gmail com> wrote:
I working on ubuntu 16.04 (operating system)

On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 2:16 AM, Adam Dingle <adam medovina org> wrote:

which distribution (operating system) are you running, and which version of it?


On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 2:05 PM, sandeep chauhan <sandeepsajan0 gmail com> wrote:
myself sandeep 
I am new in this organisation and also in open source
I face a problem when I build the project "gnome-music"
   I had instructed to build this from "Readme" on
and I also build  "jhbuild"  from
but after all when I run the command    "jhbuild build gnome-music"
the I get a message 
""jhbuild build: Required system dependencies not installed. Install using the command 'jhbuild sysdeps --install' or to ignore system dependencies use command-line option --nodeps""

but I already run the command  "jhbuild sysdeps --install gnome-music" before the above command.
what I do I don't understand 
pls help me


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