Re: gnome-music build


which distribution (operating system) are you running, and which version of it?


On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 2:05 PM, sandeep chauhan <sandeepsajan0 gmail com> wrote:
myself sandeep 
I am new in this organisation and also in open source
I face a problem when I build the project "gnome-music"
   I had instructed to build this from "Readme" on
and I also build  "jhbuild"  from
but after all when I run the command    "jhbuild build gnome-music"
the I get a message 
""jhbuild build: Required system dependencies not installed. Install using the command 'jhbuild sysdeps --install' or to ignore system dependencies use command-line option --nodeps""

but I already run the command  "jhbuild sysdeps --install gnome-music" before the above command.
what I do I don't understand 
pls help me


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