Re: [gnome-love] Regarding GNOME Goal: Print To File

You don't need a bugzilla account to modify the wiki. There should be 
an "Edit" link at the bottom of the page.

On Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:05:28 PM EST, Atit Anand wrote:
Heya, thanks for the reply.I got the point. But to change the status
of the application from "to do" to "not needed", I need to use gnome
Bugzilla. I dont see a way to change the status of the application.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:20 AM, Hashem Nasarat <hnasarat gmail com
<mailto:hnasarat gmail com>> wrote:

    Generally the way GNOME Goals work is that someone copies a big table
    of all the apps and marks things off as TODO/In Process/Done/ Not

    For this specific example, it seems that if banshee does not offer
    print support, the wiki page is incorrect.
    You could make your first contribution by changing it to Not Needed,
    like searhorse,totem, and vinagre.

    On Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:47:14 PM EST, Atit Anand wrote:
    > Hello,sorry for the trouble. i m really new to this.I am not getting
    > things quickly.
    > Gnome-goal : Print to File
    > <>
    > This gnome goal says ""The goal is to make sure that every
    > that offers to print something set a suitable filename for
    > print-to-file when showing a print dialog."
    > It has got Banshee application listed in it's as " to do " . But
    > using Banshee music application I dont see any print option.
    > Am i getting it wrong?
    > On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:07 AM, Sindhu S <sindhus live in
    <mailto:sindhus live in>
    > <mailto:sindhus live in <mailto:sindhus live in>>> wrote:
    >     Hi!
    >     Without any relevant links to the bugs or resources you are
    >     talking about, it's unlikely anybody can help you.
    >     -Sindhu
    >     On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 2:05 AM, Atit Anand
    >     <atit anand cs gmail com <mailto:atit anand cs gmail com>
    <mailto:atit anand cs gmail com <mailto:atit anand cs gmail com>>>
    >         Hello Everyone,
    >         The guidelines of this goal says :"The goal is to make sure
    >         that every application that offers to print something set a
    >         suitable filename for print-to-file when showing a print
    >         It has "Banshee" listed in the list as "to do" but I
    dont see
    >         any print option while using banshee application.
    >         Or Am i getting   "Gnome goal : Print to File" totally
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