Please How to setup VLAN with ETHERNET Using GUI


I'm trying to setup VLAN using NetworkManager GUI.
Is there a manual ?

1 - I create an Ethernet
    Device : enp1s0
    IPv4 Settings: DHCP
    All other option : default

2 - I create a NEW VLAN
    Parent Interface: enp1s0 (via “TEST VLAN”)
    VLAN id : 3000
    VLAN Interface name: VLAN3000
    IPv4 Settings: DHCP
    All other option : default

NetworkManager never activate the VLAN.
Interface "VLAN3000" appear and disappear... and then
ifconfig do not show the "VLAN3000" interface

How to create a VLAN which is affected to an Ethernet connection and which can be activated simply as the other.
How to match a VLAN with an Ethernet Connection using NetworkManager GUI ?
Is it supported ?

Using vconfig it is working but I would like to be able to ativate or desactivate simply the VLAN+Ethernet Connection.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind Regards

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