Re: NetworkManager-ovs plugin for Debian based systems


I followed your advice and I built the network manager from source. I have Ubuntu 16.04 installed.

I tried to built network manager 1.20.4 version for the aforementioned version of Ubuntu but I hit wall because that version of network manager has build dependencies that are just missing for Ubuntu 16.04.

At the end of the day I managed to build it but I had to download all the building dependencies from Ubuntu folcan repository because the dependencies form Xenial repository were outdated.

After building it I installed it with the ovs-plugin included and seems to work like a charm but I do not recommend the procedure that I followed because in a xenial system I had to install everything from folcan repository which was ugly.

Thanks for the help


Στις Τρί, 18 Φεβ 2020 στις 5:28 μ.μ., ο/η Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com> έγραψε:
On Tue, 2020-02-18 at 16:23 +0100, Dimitrios Markou via networkmanager-
list wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to configure ovs bridges and ports through networkmanager
> cli. When I execute the commands the status I get is successful but
> when I run the ovs-vsctl show Now bridges are configured.
> I assume that I need a NetworkManager-ovs plugin like this [0] but I
> cannot find something similar for Ubuntu systems. If there is no
> plugin package for debian based systems can somebody point to the
> source code for this plugin and i will try to build it form source.


You don't mention which Ubuntu version. But regardless of that, Ubuntu
packages don't seem to include the OVS plugin ("libnm-device-plugin-").

These device plugins don't have a stable ABI. That means, you usually
also need to build a matching NetworkManager (or, take very very good
care that the NetworkManager you run is ABI compatible with the plugin.
But no, just rebuild NetworkManager too).

I would suggest you rebuild the Ubuntu source package, and adjust the
package to include the OVS plugin. I don't know how to do that, but
this is more a general Ubuntu packaging question.
For autotools, you'd pass `--enable-ovs` to `./configure`.
For meson, it's -Dovs=true

Otherwise, it's all part of core NM at


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