Re: Network connection local to devices.


On Tue, 2019-01-22 at 09:56 +0100, Alexandre Garreau wrote:
How do you do that through GUI?

There are several GUIs.

For example, in nm-connection-editor there is the "Ethernet" tab with
"Device" (which corresponds to the "connection.interface-name" and
"ethernet.mac-address" properties).

Why does that work that way by default in GUI? or did I do something
wrong at some point maybe?

I think it makes sense to restrict a profile by default to one device.
Ultimately, that is decided by the client tool (like nm-applet) that
creates the profile profile in such a way.

It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. If the setting is not
best for your case, modify the profile as it suits you.


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