Re: Network connection local to devices.

On Mon, 2019-01-21 at 19:22 +0100, Alexandre Garreau via
networkmanager-list wrote:
I often change computer, but keep my configuration files, or even my
whole system. Or, sometimes, I only change or add a new wifi card.
Each time I do that, network-manager becomes unable to automatically
use the old registered connection, as it is parametered for a
specific device: is there a way to disable that?


don't set the parameters in the connection profile that restrict the
profile to a particular device.

For example, do not set (as applicable):

 - connection.interface-name
 - ethernet.mac-address
 - wifi.mac-address
 - match.interface-names
 - gsm.device-id

And see `man nm-settings`.

$ nmcli connection modify "$PROFILE" ethernet.mac-address ''


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