Re: Ethernet usb adapter and Gnome "via cable unmanaged"



In this situation, what is the output of

  nmcli device
  nmcli connection



Hi Thomas and thanks for your help!

nmcli device
DEVICE           TIPO      STATO            CONNESSIONE
wlp2s0           wifi      non disponibile  --
enx000ec6a172e7  ethernet  non gestito      --
lo               loopback  non gestito      --

nmcli connection
NOME UUID TIPO DEVICE AndroidS3 be19ced7-61c5-4a2a-b8a7-0ef67d1dcf88 802-11-wireless -- Connessione Ethernet 1 54babac2-bc4b-46fb-8012-59715f4e6c85 802-3-ethernet -- Hotspot 3ec4181b-4163-40e7-8cb2-a9f51397b7a7 802-11-wireless -- OSPITI_WLANMAC 2155f02e-3c8d-4592-9647-7ad7a56bbb01 802-11-wireless -- Vodafone-34357409 7609a72b-4457-4b63-82dc-e4601afdb80e 802-11-wireless --

Thanks again!


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