Re: nmcli connection add type gsm with PAP|CHAP ?

On Wed, 2017-05-10 at 19:36 +0900, Kajio, Yoshinori wrote:
Thanks for advice and sorry for late reply, I executed like following
and got error.
Is there something wrong? ppp.refuse-chap is valid for adding
connection with type gsm?

$ nmcli con add con-name <name> type gsm ifname <ifname> apn <apn>
user <user> password <pass> ppp.refuse-chap true
Error: Unexpected argument 'ppp.refuse-chap'


that works for me. But older nmcli versions didn't support passing
arguments of the form "<group>.<property>" during `nmcli connection

Does it work if you first issue the add, followed by a 

  nmcli connection modify <name> ppp.refuse-chap true



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